• Friday Freebie – Self Reflection

    Happy Friday! I have a great freebie for you today, this super easy Self Reflection Tool is from Teaching in Brisbane. It’s a great way to track your good – and not so good- days and then use the data to look for patterns that can help you change or prepare for those days.  Download yours and have a wonderful weekend!

  • My Favorite Teaching Quote

    I’ve shared this quote here before, but it’s always worth sharing again! This is my all-time favorite teaching quote because it helps me keep my priorities straight and remember to follow the children’s lead.  I always tell the teacher I work with that you should be able to learn as much from your students as your students learn from you, and this quote is a constant reminder of that! Download a printable version here

  • 3 Words

    This is an interesting challenge: What 3 words describe you as a teacher? I really had to sit and think about this for a while, the words that immediately popped into my mind as far as adjectives that are generally used to describe me didn’t really seem to fit when I apply them to myself as a teacher – which is interesting in itself.  Here are the three words that I finally came up with: 1. Observant.  Not only did I regularly observe my students to gauge their interests and assess their level of understanding, I was also incredibly observant of their behaviors and emotions. If there was something going…

  • A Must Watch Video

    I don’t share video clips around her very often but this one recently popped up in my facebook feed and I feel like everyone needs to see it. Click here to view This video is an interview with Preschool Teacher Rachel Giannini for attn: Parenting Today, and while her message is not news to those of us who are in this field, it is shocking to most of society just how little preschool teachers and child care staff at all levels earn.  We can’t make a difference if others don’t realize that there is a problem, so please share share share!

  • My Current Obsessions

    At the end of the year I love to share my favorite things from the previous year as ideas for potential teacher gifts, the only problem with that is that a year is a long time and I have a hard time remembering all of the things that I love.  I thought I’d share just a few of the things that I am currently obsessed with so that you could get hooked too! (All links are affiliates) It’s common knowledge that I have an deep love for Papermate Flair pens, but now I’m adding these Papermate InkJoy pens to my collection. Someone left one in my training last week and…