Day in the Life
Holidays,  teacher life,  teaching life,  traditions,  valentine's day,  work/life balance

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with me!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I thought I’d try something a little different today and give you a full picture of what my day looks like. Here’s how I’m celebrating the holiday all day long:

We started the morning early because my girl was EXCITED. She’s old enough to remember past Valentine’s day celebrations and she knows that I always have some special gifts for her, and once she woke up there was no holding her back!

We use these felt heart envelopes for Valentine gifts – ours are a few years old from the Target Dollar spot, but these are similar and available on Amazon (affiliate link). I love having this plan because it keeps the gifts small, and even though I do buy gifts that won’t fit (like a stuffed animal), it still helps to have that limit in place.

After a quick breakfast and getting dressed in our Valentine’s Day best (my daughter’s dress, and my sweatshirt – affiliate links), we had to gather up ALL THE THINGS that she needed to take to school. That included her Descendant’s valentine box and valentines, teacher gift, and cookies for her teachers.

On the way to school we jammed to the Disney Love Songs playlist on Spotify. Then we got a quick picture in the school drop off line because I totally forgot to get one of her holding her box before we left the house. Then she was off for her big day at school.

I popped into Starbucks to get some work done, a pink drink was a must! I’m feeling all the festive vibes.

Since I’m not in the classroom anymore my work tasks look a little different. Today my main job is to finish up the clipart set that I’m working on. It’s all eclipse themed and will be out by the end of this week so that you can use it for all of your up-coming eclipse activities!

My personal Valentine tradition is to watch Valentine’s Day – do you remember this movie?! I absolutely love it, so it’ll be on in the background while I’m working this afternoon.

Another tradition for our family is to make a home-made heart shaped pizza for dinner. We’ve been doing this for so long and I know we all look forward to it. It’s such a good way to make the day feel special without feeling like we need to go out to dinner and fight everyone else for a table anywhere.

I fully intend to end my day with a glass of wine and a cross stitch project. I’ve been working on this Disney cruise ship for the last month and I WILL finish it before our trip next month – I can’t wait to start sharing all of the planning that I’ve been doing for that adventure soon!

I hope you have the best Valentine’s Day and really enjoyed this peek into my life!

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