
  • Digital Preschool Portfolios

    Google Drive Student Portfolios

    I originally shared this post a couple of years ago, and it has been the most popular post that I’ve ever written. I can understand why – we all want easy solutions to conferences and documentation, but no one wants to pay for the expensive platforms that curriculum companies have available. This system is my DIY version of that kind of system. Since most parents are a lot more comfortable with google drive and PDF documents it’s been the best way to share information! Here’s the rest of that original post: I’ve always used three-ring binders to compile my students’ portfolios, but this year my classroom did not have the…

  • Friday Freebie – Leaf Charts

    Happy Friday! I shared a bunch of great leaf activities with you this week, and I wanted to share a leaf freebie to go along with them, but I couldn’t find one that I liked. So I made a new one! This brand new leaf documentation set includes three charts that you can use to record and document all of the work that the children do relating to leaves. There’s a page for recording new vocabulary words, a KWL chart, and a page for writing down conversations that you have with the children about leaves.  Download them and print as many as you’d like!

  • Friday Freebie – Reflection Checklist

    Happy Friday! I’ve shared a lot of information and ideas relating to documentation this week, and today’s freebie fits right in. This Reflection Checklist is one of my favorite products that I’ve ever made for the classroom.  It has been helpful in so many ways.  It makes it easy to collect your thoughts at the end of the day, while continuing to track any patterns and make sure that you are taking note of important events.  Not only does it help you document what happened that day, but it gives you a couple of minutes dedicated to really reflecting on what all of it means.  Download your copy and print a…

  • Documentation round up

    Are you planning for next year yet?! Here are some great posts on documentation – if you start planning for it now and get all of your systems in place it will take a lot less time to create when you sit down to get down to it; Documentation in the preschool classroom  Types of documentation Classroom documentation – know your audience How to create a documentation panel  Creative ways to display work Enjoy your prep time and check back tomorrow for a documentation freebie!

  • Creative ways to display work

    Preschoolers are prolific – they create a ton of work and every single piece is the most important! This is great for making sure that there is always enough work to display in the classroom, but when you don’t have a ton of wall space it can make life really difficult.  So what do you do with all of that work that you want to display and just can’t find room for? It’s time to get creative. Some of my favorite solutions include hanging work from the ceiling, using it to create suncatchers in the windows, and stands made from unexpected items.  Here are some inspiring photos that I’ve collected…

  • Friday Freebie – Anecdotal Notes

    Happy Friday! I’ve noticed that summer weeks seem to fly by a lot faster than the rest of the weeks throughout the year. Today’s freebie is for those of you who’ve already begun to think about next year’s assessment systems.  I’ve been talking about this subject all week so I wanted to  share my anecdotal notes freebie with you.  This is an easy way to track and organize your anecdotal notes and other important information.  Check it out before enjoying your weekend!

  • Assessment strategies for preschool

    My first “real” job was teaching toddlers at a NAEYC accredited child care center, so I jumped right into a position that required teachers to complete assessments for every child, I’ve never NOT done assessment.  So over the years I’ve come up with some strategies that have helped me keep track of all of the evidence and data.  Within the last couple of years I’ve turned some of those strategies into really great products that you can get from my TPT store, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, or use your valuable time developing these things on your own! Here are my favorites: If you’re looking for a complete…

  • What does preschool assessment look like?

    Yesterday I shared some thoughts on how to talk to families about assessment, but part of explaining assessment is talking about what it looks like in the preschool classroom, and that can be really difficult.  It’s so hard because there isn’t a right or wrong way to do it. That’s the beauty of preschool assessment, it can’t always be scheduled – you certainly can’t sit down and say “I’m going to observe Kate’s positive social skills today” but that gives you freedom to make it work for you. You might collect work samples from your writing activity on Tuesday, jot down a couple of anecdotal notes on Wednesday, and take…

  • Ideas for observing clouds

    Yesterday I shared some questions to ask that might inspire a cloud investigation. Today I wanted to share a couple of ways that you can have the children document their observations. I should start with this warning: you can’t really put these activities on your lesson plan because you have to wait for a day when you actually have clouds to observe. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve planned this activity and there were no clouds in the sky, or the opposite happened and the sky was covered by one great big cloud, which makes it difficult to observe.  Just take my word for it and let this…

  • Documentation Display Ideas

    Documentation panels are great for so many different purposes, but it can be really difficult to find enough space to display all of them and your students’ artwork, especially when you don’t have a ton of wall space in the classroom.  Over the years I’ve gotten pretty creative when it comes to displaying documentation, and of course, one of my favorite places for inspiration is Pinterest.  Here are some of the most innovative display ideas (many of these are for photos, but could easily be modified to accomodate artwork, work samples, or panels) that I’ve found – I especially love documentation displays that could tie in with the project itself,…