end of the year

  • Tips for a Smooth Graduation Ceremony

    No Preschool Graduation ceremony will every run completely smoothly – your performers are preschoolers, they’re bound to do something unpredictable, and sometimes these unpredictable moments are the most endearing parts of the entire ceremony.  There are still some things that you can do to help your students prepare and ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. Here are a few tips that have worked for me in the past; Keep it short – the shorter your ceremony is, the less opportunity for something to go wrong.  You want it to be meaningful without being boring, while your audience is probably happy to sit and listen, your students will only…

  • Making Graduation Easy

    It’s that time of year, Preschool Graduation Season! I’ve hosted my fair share of graduation ceremonies and it is easily one of the busiest, most stressful days of the year.  A couple of years ago I put together a graduation set to make everything just a little easier on myself.  I use all of these materials year after year, which means that I save time on designing materials, and I always know exactly what I need. I hope that you will find them helpful too – If you’ve already had your graduation celebration this year, it’s never too early to start thinking about next year! End of the Year Award…

  • Friday Freebie – End of the Year Checklist

    Happy Friday! This week seemed to drag on forever, I am so happy to see the weekend! That said, it’s never too early to start thinking about the end of the school year.  This free End of the Year Checklist from Mrs. Irvin’s Toolbox will help you start planning for all of those end of the year to-do’s! Download your copy and have a wonderful weekend!

  • Friday Freebie – Graduation Countdown

    Happy Friday! If your spring has been anything like mine, the weeks just keep getting crazier.  I’m looking forward to slowing down a bit, but that probably won’t happen until Memorial Day! One things for sure, there are a few celebrations to get through before I can take a break. This week I shared a TON of ideas for graduation celebrations.  Today’s freebie is a fun way to help your kiddos look forward to the big day. This Countdown to Graduation set from Maria Manore Gavin is an easy way for you to answer the never ending question: “How much longer until we graduate?!” If you’re planning a graduation ceremony,…

  • Felt Tassel Decoration

    I’m all for decorations that can be used more than once.  I made this cute felt tassel garland in colors to match my preschool graduation set, and it’s durable enough that I can put it away with my decorations and pull it out again next year.  This will be adorable on the refreshment table! It was incredibly easy to make, and super cheap too, so of course I had to share how I did it! It only took felt, cord, and a hot glue gun.  The amount of felt you need will depend on how long you want your garland to be.  Mine ended up being approximately 3 feet long…

  • Graduation keepsakes for your students

    Preschool graduation is one of those special occasions that you want to mark with a keepsake, especially because many your kiddos won’t actually remember it 10 years from now.  I’ve rounded up a few fun ideas that won’t break your budget! Have you been keeping journals all year long? (Preschool Daze has a great how-to) Ask your students if you can write them a letter in their journals and send them home at graduation.  Download my End of the Year Memory Books and help your students fill in their memories.  Bind them with each child’s portfolio pages or work samples for a one-of-a-kind gift.  Makes shirts for each student, they…

  • Preparing preschoolers to transition to Kindergarten

    The end of the school year is so full of ceremonies, parties, and silly photos that it all goes by in a whirlwind.  This is an overwhelming time for any preschool teacher, but it’s even more overwhelming for those little ones.  They keep being told that next year they’ll be a big kid and go to kindergarten, and from their perspective, that’s a lot of unknown. What will their new school be like? Will their new teacher be nice? How will they get to school? Will they get to see their friends? Do they still get to play with their favorite toys? Where will they keep their things? All of…

  • It’s THAT time

    It doesn’t matter when Easter or your Spring Break falls, whenever it is that you come back from that particular break – or long weekend, it inevitably dawns on you tit is now time to think about graduation.  Whether you love it or hate it, preschool graduation (or even end of the year parties) tend to be quite the production.  It’s the perfect time to showcase all of the hard work that the children have done throughout the year but organizing and displaying said work is, in itself, a lot of work! One of my most popular posts is Everything You Need to Host a Preschool Graduation, so I thought…

  • 5 most popular posts of 2015

    It’s time to look back and the past year and think about all we’ve done, and what we would like to accomplish next year.  I thought I’d take a minute to share the 5 most popular posts of 2015 here at Preschool Ponderings to give you a little inspiration: Get to know me better in September Currently Learn how to make covers for your pinboards in A Pinterest Tip for Teachers Check out some great Stores that offer teacher discounts Explore ideas for Informal Assessments in Preschool Start planning with my First week of Preschool Lesson Plans I always think it’s interesting to look back and see which posts you all…

  • Snack ideas for your Preschool Graduation celebration

    Every Preschool Graduation that I have been a part of during my career has had some sort of snack component, which works out well for me because I love to bake.  I always want to make something for the celebration, but I also usually encourage parents to bring something to share as well.  Some of my celebrations have been very well-attended, and I can’t feed that many people by myself! I always appreciate the parents who offer to bring drinks and paper products, that makes my life so much easier! I also love it when someone brings a fruit salad or a veggie tray, they are always welcome among the…