• Appreciation for Early Childhood Teachers

    Teachers who work with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers don’t often get shown a lot of appreciation.  I can speak from experience when I say that the job they do is not easy.  The hours are long, the work is physical, and extremely emotional, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Early Childhood teachers are selfless and energetic, and they are passionate about teaching the youngest children.  The Week of the Young Child is a great opportunity to recognize and appreciate these teachers. A couple of years ago I pinned a quote to my Preschool Quotes Pinboard, It’s been repinned nearly 100 times.  The original artwork was from Zulily and I haven’t…

  • Great quotes for celebrating parents

    The Week of the Young Child is the perfect time to let parents and families know how much you appreciate them.  Whether you have parents who are constantly donating time and materials to your classroom, or parents who are just doing the best they can do to care for their children, every parent would love a reminder they they are doing a great job.  Here are some quotes that would make great cards or framed prints for parents of the children in your class; From Venspired From Beauty and Bedlam From Inspiration Oasis From Sweet Makes Three I love to take a minute to write each family a note letting…

  • How can we promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles for preschoolers?

    Happy Week of the Young Child! Today's post is all about encouraging healthy lifestyles. If you look at your average preschooler, he or she probably has a lot of opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. He or she probably has a family that does their best to provide healthy, nutritious meals. There is more to encouraging healthy lifestyles than exercise and eating right, young children have to understand why these things are important. If we don't help them understand the principles behind living healthy, then when they are old enough to decide how to spend their time and what they want to eat, they won't value the choices that…

  • Why is Early literacy important?

    Happy Week of the young Child! Each year I make sure to spend one day celebrating Early Literacy, because it is so important to children’s academic success. You hear it all the time – Early Literacy is important, we need to read to young children, children should be exposed to the written word. We all know what we are supposed to do, but more importantly, do we understand why? We all want our students, and our own children to succeed academically, but what does this have to do with reading to them when they are babies? A lot actually.   1. From a social perspective, taking the time to read to…

  • Friday Freebie – Spring Cleaning

    Happy Friday! It’s finally beginning to feel like spring, which around here means rain for months, BUT all of this spring weather has me itching to do some serious cleaning! I’ve already purged my closets at home, and now I’ve got my sights set on the closets at school. Spring is the perfect time to get rid of all of the stuff that has accumulated over the winter. It’s a great time to freshen up the classroom because it’s time for a change.  Rearrange your furniture, put out new activity centers, spruce up the decor a little, and top off all of your efforts by labeling everything! Well, that’s what…

  • Starting a Child Care Center – Location Location Location

    On Tuesday I shared business information that you’ll need to consider is you want to start a childcare program, today is a little more fun, it’s all about selecting a location.   First and foremost, you’ll have to decide how large your program is going to be.  If you are the only teacher for 7 or 8 children, then you might choose to run your program out of your home. On the other hand, if you’ll have a staff of 6 teachers and 50 students, then you’ll need a much larger space. Licensing regulations define the amount of square footage required per child, as well as the teacher to child…

  • Collecting and Analyzing Data in Preschool

    It’s Wednesday, and here at Preschool Ponderings, that means time to focus on the standards.  Every Wednesday I choose an Early Learning Standard and share a number of activities that can be aligned with that particular standard.  Remember, the Standards that I use every day, and am most comfortable with are Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards – you can review them here, however I’ve found that even if your State’s standards differ, many of these activities can still be aligned similarly. I’ve rounded up some great ideas today!Domain: MathematicsStrand: Measurement and DataTopic: Data AnalysisThis standard sounds like it could be difficult for preschoolers to comprehend, and it does require a higher…

  • Starting a Child Care Center – Business Aspects

    In 2013 I had the opportunity to start a child care program with some talented teachers.  Our center has been open for a little over a year (it took us about 6 months to get licensed and running) and I’m at the point where I feel like I finally have things figured out! When we first got started we were all familiar with childcare and licensing, but the business piece was all new.  I taught myself most of what I needed to know, and I still learn something new everyday.  I’ve had a number of people ask my advice on starting their own child care programs, so I thought I’d…

  • April Currently

    I was on a roll last week – prepping for Easter and all – and I couldn’t fit in the Currently. But I love sharing this little slice of my life with you, so I wanted to do it anyway, even though it’s not exactly April first. Listening: I’m addicted to Pandora, and I’m all about singing along (it’s a good thing I’m usually alone in my house or car – no one wants to hear me sing!).  My favorite station right now is the Pitch Perfect Soundtrack station, it plays songs from the movie soundtrack, along with similar pop songs. Loving: It has been the best three day weekend.…

  • Friday Freebie – Bug Observations

    Happy Friday! This is my one and only day off for Spring Break, in fact my only day off until Memorial day, so I am cherishing it! I have big plans for my day off, I’m road-tripping to the outlet mall to do some spring shopping, but before I head out I have a really cute freebie to share with you. When it comes to spring, there is one thing that preschoolers love – playing outside.  With every group of children I’ve ever worked with, they’ve always been drawn to bugs.  They love to find them, watch them, catch them, try to pick them up, you name it.  This Bug…