Frog Activities for Preschool
This is our first official week of summer! This year we’re exploring a different topic every week, inspired by our love of animals and science, and guided by our favorite National Geographic Kids books – You can read more about our summer plans in this post. Keeping with these weekly themes, I thought it would be fun to share some of the activities and learning experiences that we’re using to understand each topic better. Here are our plans for frog week: Exploring a local pond – whether you take your group to a pond or bring elements of the pond to the classroom, this is a hands-on opportunity to really…
Memorial Day for Preschoolers
I have an whole collection of Memorial Day resources that I wanted to share as we head into this long holiday weekend. Hopefully these will make your planning for the next week a little easier! Memorial Day Pinwheels Children’s Books for Memorial Day Patriotic Resource Round Up Patriotic Ribbon Wands Teaching Patriotism Connecting Your Class with Service Members Have a wonderful weekend!
Preschool Lesson Plans and Activities for June
We’re halfway through the month of May already – I can’t even believe it! Many of you are almost done with school for the year, but I also know that a large group of you will continue working with all of your littles through the summer. It was really important for me to continue these Month of PreK sets for every month of the year so that you would be supported no matter what your school calendar looks like. Here is the great big list of everything included in the June Month of Preschool set. This set has 5 exclusive activities that are only available in the June Month of…
Summer with a First Grader
Yesterday I shared how I planned for our summer learning last year. Go check out that post! Last summer my girl had just finished kindergarten and my goal was to make sure that she didn’t lose any of the skills that she had learned during her first year of school. This year my goals are a little different. I want to really dig into the things that she finds fascinating and show her that she can take on her own learning. I also want to build a true love of reading for both fun and out of curiosity. Last year we kept one theme for a whole month, but this…
Planning for Summer with Elementary School Kids
I’ve been hard at work at planning for our summer fun (and learning), but before I share what this year’s plans look like, I wanted to share how I put everything together last year. Here’s the post on how I organized all of it! If someone asked me to choose ONE word to describe myself it would definitely be the word “planner.” I truly love to organize my thoughts, lay them out on paper and fill in any missing pieces. It helps me feel in control and gives me the structure that I need. When it came to figuring out what our summer will look like, I started with daily…
April Preschool Activities
April is getting close, and with the Easter holiday at the end of the month, it’ll sneak right up on you! I wanted to share all of the great materials that are included in the April Month of Preschool set because there are a ton of Easter activities that you can use right now, along with other spring themes for the next month. Here is everything that you’ll get in this one amazing download: This April set is 242 pages of amazing resources! you can download a preview HERE for even more information.
Preschool Eclipse Activities
I’m so happy to have these eclipse activities ready for you! Little ones can struggle with these kinds of special events because they just don’t have the frame of reference to understand why they’re a big deal to the adults in their lives AND what is actually happening. The eclipse activities that I’ve put together will help work through both of those challenges in a way that is developmentally appropriate, while also supporting the other work that they’ve been doing throughout the year. I firmly believe that none of us can truly understand any topic if we don’t have the vocabulary to discuss it with others. Vocabulary cards like these…
February Holidays for the Classroom
February is my favorite month in the classroom – there are so many holidays and celebrations to explore in such a short time, it always seems to fly by! Here are the topics that I always make sure to cover: With all of this to cover we’ll definitely have a packed month of fun, and that’ll help this cold winter month pass quickly so that we can get even closer to spring!
February Month of Preschool Activities
I shared the list of everything included in my January Month of Preschool set a couple of weeks ago and wanted to make sure that I did the same with the February set so that you can make next month’s prep a little easier on yourself! Here’s EVERYTHING that’s included in the February Month of Preschool set: Wow! There are so many materials in this set! At 290 pages, these activities should keep your class busy, and learning a ton during the month of February. You can purchase the set here, and learn more about each monthly set (and the 12 month bundle) here.
Making teacher tasks easier and more efficient
It feels kind of laughable to share efficiency tips at the moment because I’m definitely still trying to get back in the swing of things after an extended holiday break – I feel anything but organized and efficient! That being said, there are definitely some tools that I use to help make life easier even when I’m not feeling like I’ve got it all together. I consider myself to be a very organized person, so these resources are things that I’ve created to make my planning process a little more streamlined and to help save time. These are all available in my TPT store, so make sure to click the…