
  • Discussing Routines with Preschoolers

    Every year my back to school activities include experiences that are designed to help my kiddos get used to our daily routine.  One of the activities that I do with them s to discuss routines, and help them put this idea into perspective by considering the routines that they follow at home. I give them each the opportunity to tell me what they do when they wake up in the morning – the kinds of things they have to do to get ready for school.  This takes some prompting at first, but after they get going they have pretty good memories, and it’s fun to see what their priorities are…

  • Preschool Printables for Valentine’s Day

    I love to celebrate holidays with my students, and Valentine’s Day stands out as one of my favorites.  As an adult, you either love Valentine’s Day, or you hate it, but little one’s haven’t yet developed a reason to hate it.  I love that I get to encourage my students to share their love with everyone, and they’re happy to do so! Over the years I’ve collected a ridiculous amount of Valentine’s Day activities, but my favorites are the one’s that I’ve put together for my students.  Each year I’ve tweaked them just a bit and I am so proud of the collection that I’ve put together, so I had…

  • Cute Calendar Work

    There is some debate over whether calendar is really developmentally appropriate for preschoolers, so I might as well add my two cents.  I do calendar every day for a couple of different reasons.  The days of the week and the months of the year seem like fairly abstract concepts, but when I show the children what they look like on the calendar, they can visualize what all of these words mean.  Number recognition is also something that a lot of my students struggle with, especially now that my Pre-K kiddos are getting into the teens and beyond, the more opportunities that I can come up with for them to use…

  • One of my favorite blogs

    I am always looking for new printables for the classroom, and you probably know how difficult it can be to find high quality artwork for free – or maybe I’m just a cheap graphics snob. One of my very favorite teaching blog is actually written by two moms who spend a lot of time with their preschool age (and younger) children. These two wonderful ladies have created some amazing themed preschool packs that I faithfully print, cut out, laminate, and use in my classroom ALL THE TIME! You have got to check out Over the Big Moon and their Pre-K Packs, here’s a photo of their autumn pack.