
  • I’m a teacher – even during Christmas Break!

    Each year I am grateful for the weeklong break after Christmas, and as most teachers will tell you, it is nearly impossible to go for the entire week without working on school work in some way, shape, or form. This year I am taking full advantage of the brand new Cricut that my little sister got for Christmas and the two of us teachers have planned a full day of classroom crafts. Here is what I will be working on – I promise to post what I am able to finish! (all ideas are linked on my Pinterest Preschool Board)

  • Cute Cards!

    If you are anything like me, your classroom has probably become consumed with projects having to do with Christmas; gifts for parents, fun activities for the kiddos, cards, ornaments, decorations, you know the drill. Typically we go all out on our parents gifts – handmade gift, handmade wrapping paper, and a card to go with it all. I’m always looking for new card ideas, because I have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need to be. This year I found a super easy idea that the children love: Thumbprint reindeer Here is a picture of the ornament that I was inspired by: And here is one of…