
  • Favorite Planning Products

    Planner Supplies for 2025

    I see my planner as an extension of myself. That might sound a little dramatic, but I’m serious! It’s where I keep track of all of the tasks I need to complete, but it also serves as a record of special events, notes about things like snow days, birthday plans, vacation packing lists, and all of the things that are important to me and to my family. Since I use my planner as both a calendar and a scrapbook I’ve gathered quite a few materials to help really make it mine. Here are my favorite planning products for 2025 (all links are affiliates. First things first, I have to keep…

  • How I’m Using My Happy Planner

    I’m a paper planner girl. I’ve tried digital options (you can even find some of my posts about them if you search), but there’s something about being able to look at the full spread, write tasks in by hand, and really turn the pages that just works for me. I’ve always had what I consider a photographic memory, and for some reason that just works better when I can visualize words written on a page – not a tablet or screen. This year I went with a big Happy Planner (affiliate link) and I couldn’t be happier – no pun intended. The price is truly unmatched. All of the other…

  • Classroom Christmas Planning

    Holiday Organization Printables

    There is so much happening during the month of December! There are too many things to remember, plan for, and complete. I don’t know about you, but when I feel all of that swimming around in my brain, there’s only one way for me to deal with it – write it all down. I modified my Organized Teacher Planning Pages for the holiday season and I’m sharing them with you for FREE (click here to download)! Please use these to help yourself feel a little more organized in the classroom this holiday season! Click the link or photo above to download your set. You can also find these in the…

  • December Lesson Plans

    Warm Weather December Themes

    I’ve always lived where we get to experience 4 distinct seasons and the changes in weather that come with them. That’s played a role in my lesson planning for sure, because all of these seasons are relevant to my students. What do you do when this isn’t the case? Maybe your students only experience one or two different types of weather, does it make sense to teach preschoolers about snow when your temperatures never dip low enough to get any of the white stuff? There are two schools of thought here. One would say stick to what the children in your class will personally experience. I tend to agree with…

  • Preschool Themes

    Non-Christmas Themes for December

    December can be a tricky month is your program or the children in your class don’t celebrate Christmas. There are so many ideas and activities that support the Christmas season that it can be really hard to find other relevant topics. It can also feel a little strange to completely ignore what seems to consume the rest of the world for a whole month. No worries, I’ve got some ways for you to make December fun and easy! Here are some themes to consider for the month of December if you don’t celebrate Christmas in the classroom. The great thing about the month of December is that it’s typically pretty…

  • After Halloween Plans for the Classroom

    This year Halloween is on a Thursday, which means we all have to come back in to school for Friday before we can really crash. The day after Halloween can be ROUGH in the classroom. Honestly, it makes perfect sense – the routine has been totally off, most kids were up way later than usual for trick or treating, and we’ve all had more sugar over the last few days than are bodies are used to processing. It’s completely normal for everyone to be super cranky the next day. Knowing this, there are some things that you can do to make the day go a little more smoothly. In planning…

  • September Preschool lesson plans

    September Preschool Lesson Plans

    We have been squeezing the last bits of summer out like it’s our job over here – but it’s quickly coming to an end. As we look forward to September, I know that life isn’t about to get any less busy! I wanted to really dig into one of those resources that makes planning and prep so much easier. Let’s take a look at every single item included in the September Month of Preschool set. I’ll list it all below, and any products that are also available as individual resources will be linked so that you can go see specific images of those. For a video of how to use…

  • Preschool Lesson Planning

    Quicker Lesson Planning

    I’m a firm believer in planning. I know for a fact that having a great plan laid out and fully prepped makes a massive difference in my week. At the same time, getting everything planned and ready takes so much valuable time. It can be really easy to sacrifice a calm, chill week in order to get back a few minutes right now. As we head into September, a month that seems to be the poster child for re-focusing on routines and schedules, I thought I’d give you some resources that will help make your planning super fast and easy. This way you’ll get the time now AND be fully…

  • Preschool airplane theme

    Airplane Activities for Preschool

    Mondays have been tough around here – these summer weekends are busy and we’re feeling it by Monday! I hope that you’ll forgive me for not always getting a Monday post up throughout the summer, I’m really leaning into Mom life and sometimes that just doesn’t leave the time. That doesn’t mean that I’m totally leaving you hanging though! I’ve got so much to share. We’re prepping for a vacation, and it’s a big one because it’ll be my daughter’s first airplane experience. This felt like the perfect time to dig in and explore airplanes. It’s relevant for my family at the moment, but it can be an excellent theme…

  • Preschool birthday theme

    Birthday Activities for Preschool

    It’s a big week for us, my daughter’s birthday is this week! We decided to make this the theme for this week because you only get a birthday once a year, we might as well make the most of it. Here are some of the activities that we’ve leaning into in order to explore birthdays and build an understanding of all the different ways that these can be celebrated. Looking at photos from previous birthdays – This would be an excellent activity to do with the whole class. Encouraging children to bring in photos from last year’s celebration, or going back even farther to see images of them as babies…