teacher inspiration

  • summer teacher wardrobe

    Preschool Teacher Wardrobe – Summer Edition

    *This post contains affiliate links It can be really hard to find those outfits that are the perfect balance of professional, comfortable, and meet all of the needs of a preschool teacher (getting messy, sitting on the floor, lots of movement – you know what I mean). This is especially true in the summer. Summer means even more time outside, higher temperatures, and often running to other activities at the end of your work day. Every program is different, and that will of course mean you may have restrictions related to things like shorts, sleeveless tops, and dresses – but hopefully the items that I’ve been loving will give you…

  • creative process

    Celebrating my own creativity

    I’ve always considered myself to be a creative person, it’s something that I recognized at a very early age. As an adult, I spend the vast majority of my time creating things for other people – which I truly love to do. But I’ve realized that I don’t do a lot of creating just to enjoy the artistic process. I’m about to change that! I gathered some tools that I enjoy using, and bought a new sketch book (there’s just something about all of those blank pages)/ Now I’m giving myself permission to take time losing myself in the creative process. I can’t wait to share what I come up…

  • April preschool lesson plans

    A full month of preschool lesson plans!

    Have you grabbed your copy of A Month of Preschool for April yet?! Four weeks of April preschool lesson plans, art ideas, dramatic play plans, and printable activities – and this month has an exclusive social emotional lesson that you can only get in this set: Children will build confidence and understanding of themselves as they put together this flower! The activity comes in two options – a cut and paste, or a color and write: These monthly sets are everything that I’ve used in my own classroom, printable and meant to make your life easier. I hope that you’ll try April’s because I’ve got a ton of new stuff…

  • Positive Mindset

    Building a Positive Mindset

    I consider myself a naturally positive person, but the classroom can be a hard place to keep that going. Someone is always upset with someone else, there is always a mess somewhere, and I’m constantly having to change my plans. It takes a toll! When positivity doesn’t come naturally, there are some things that help me keep that positive mindset in the classroom. First and foremost, when I recognize that I’m struggling I make a conscious effort to find something (anything) positive that I can acknowledge. Sometimes this is as small as a child nicely walking across the classroom, or offering to share with another child. I’ll spend the next…

  • tpt sring sale 2023

    Shop the Sale!

    March is always the hardest month for me – I want it to be spring, but it’s definitely not, we’re still dealing with lots of cloudy days, and we’ve been stuck inside with each other all winter – so it feels right to celebrate the end of this long month with a sale! TPT is hosting a sitewide sale on the 28th and 29th (tomorrow!) so you can join me in a little retail therapy. Here’s what I suggest taking a look at to help you prep for the next couple of months: Happy shopping, go find some amazing deals!

  • road trip hack

    Road Trip Must-haves, and a way to organize them!

    As teachers, we all bring our own skills into the classroom – for me, that includes high levels of organization. It makes sense that this would also play a role in other parts of my life. I’ve learned to make organization work for me, and that was definitely true when prepping for our latest road trip. I had to share a genius road trip hack that was such a lifesaver! When we take a road trip I like to make sure we have a stash of all the things that you don’t know you need until you REALLY need them. In the past I’ve thrown these all in a pouch…

  • can't celebrate holidays in the classroom

    Holidays in the classroom; What to do when you can’t celebrate

    I’m the first person to say that I love celebrating holidays – in my personal life that’s definitely something that I’m known for, and it feels natural for me to incorporate that into the classroom. While it is something that I love, there are a variety of reasons that holidays might not be appropriate for the preschool classroom. Some programs don’t allow teachers and students to celebrate in order to create a space where all of the families that they serve feel welcome. Others have specific funding streams that require no holidays be acknowledged, and still others will eliminate these to support specific families and staff. These are all completely…

  • classroom challenges

    Dealing with Hard Days in the Classroom

    We all have tough days in the classroom – but what about when those hard days start happening regularly, or even every day? How can you turn things around and get more of the days that you really enjoy? Let’s talk about this, what can help when you’re dealing with never-ending classroom challenges? I’m big on reflection, taking time to dig deep and think through what’s really behind what’s happening in the classroom. This can be hard when you’re right in the middle of it. If you’re in a place where it feels like nothing is going right and there’s nothing you can do about it, then we need to…

  • changing challenging behaviors

    REALLY Changing Challenging Behaviors

    A couple of weeks ago I shared a free sample of a behavior tracking system that can be used to identify patterns related to challenging behaviors. Now, I want to dig into what happens after you’ve identified those patterns. Let’s reflect so that you can really starting changing challenging behaviors in the classroom. Part of this system is a reflection sheet: This reflection starts by exploring what is working WELL for this child already – what parts of the day are they successfully able to manage their behavior? For some children, this will be easily evident, and for others you might have to continue observing to get an even better…

  • preschool behaviors

    Managing Challenging Behaviors

    I promised you some real solutions to the tough stuff that you have to deal with everyday, and the number one thing on that list is challenging behaviors. These are the kinds of things that can derail the entire class and make you feel like nothing you do will make a difference – I’ve been there. I’ve put together a resource that will help you understand, manage, and change these difficult preschool behaviors step by step. I’m also giving you a FREEBIE so you can try it out right away! Behaviors are so tough because we aren’t always able to understand exactly where there coming from, and even if we…