tips for teachers

  • discussing recent news with preschoolers

    Conversations with Preschoolers about Current Events

    We know that kids are sponges – they’re ALWAYS listening! Because of this, they catch onto things that we don’t always realize they’re hearing, and without context and all of the information their minds make the most interesting connections. It’s fascinating to get their take on the things that are happening in their world because they look at them with such a unique filter! When it comes to discussing current events, it can be a bit of a minefield, we never know what might come up, and we definitely can’t predict what a child will say. There are some ways to navigate these conversations without prompting those comments. Here are…

  • easy packed lunches

    Teacher and Mom Approved Lunch Packing Tips!

    Before I dive into all things lunches, I have to take a minute to say THANK YOU! You’re all loving my Month of Preschool sets and I’m so excited that I’m able to make your life easier with these – I know how precious your time is and I hope that these are saving you time and energy that you’re able to re-focus on your students. If I could put a great big heart emoji here I totally would! I’m working on April as we speak, so it’s coming I promise! Let’s talk lunch packing… As a teacher, lunchtime was the bane of my existence. Here’s the thing, having families…

  • preschool behaviors

    Managing Challenging Behaviors

    I promised you some real solutions to the tough stuff that you have to deal with everyday, and the number one thing on that list is challenging behaviors. These are the kinds of things that can derail the entire class and make you feel like nothing you do will make a difference – I’ve been there. I’ve put together a resource that will help you understand, manage, and change these difficult preschool behaviors step by step. I’m also giving you a FREEBIE so you can try it out right away! Behaviors are so tough because we aren’t always able to understand exactly where there coming from, and even if we…

  • childcare professionals

    A Blog Post about Blog Posts

    I know that’s quite the title for a post, but it’s the best way I can think to describe what I want to share here! I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can use this space to support those of you are serving so many different roles in the early care and education field – especially those of you who are childcare professionals. I love sharing fun posts about activities, projects, and printables – but these are the easy things. There are so many great ideas already available, and to be honest I know that coming up with things to do with children isn’t the hardest part of the…

  • Amazon Idea Lists for the Classroom

    Using Amazon Idea Lists for the Classroom

    It’s safe to say that online shopping is one of my favorite past times – I’m sure that says A LOT about me! There’s a tool that I’ve been using recently to help organize my wish lists and favorite purchases and it can be used in so many different ways. I’ve got to share what I’ve been doing with Amazon Idea Lists for the classroom. An idea list is an excellent place to keep all of those items that you’re thinking about, looking for, or really loving. These lists are easy to share with others so that you can collaborate. This makes planning classroom or school events something that can…

  • joy list

    Leaning into what brings me joy

    I got a little vulnerable with you on Monday – this time of year is tough. The pressure to jump back into a routine after the holidays, when I’m not really ready for that, causes some friction. Add the dreary weather and joy can be a little hard for me to come by. I’m working through it by leaning into the things that I know bring me joy – a “Joy List” if you will! Whenever I’m feeling a little down – whether it’s because I’m burnt out at work, clouds and cold are impacting my mood, or I’m just in need of a pick me up – I like…

  • classroom donations

    Ask for donations – and actually get them!

    Let me paint a picture – You have this great activity planned and you can’t wait for the children to get really creative with it, so you make a list of materials that you need and hand it out to all of the parents with a deadline for their classroom donations. That deadline comes and you’ve received 1 or two items off your list. Now you have a choice, do you cross the activity off your list or find another way to secure the materials you need – even if it means buying them yourself? Raise your hand if this has happened to you – is your hand raised? Mine…

  • enjoying the holidays

    Finding Joy in the Holiday Busy-ness

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve reached that point in the holiday season where it’s hard to see past the busy. My to-do lists are taking over, so I’m really trying to pull back and remember what I love most about the Christmas season so that I can be intentional about adding a little more of that. It’s hard to make sure that you’re enjoying the holidays when you’re trying to do ALL THE THINGS. Speaking of all the things, I saw this as I was scrolling my Instagram feed the other day and it really stuck with me: That’s pretty profound – the idea of just stopping something…

  • Getting Organized

    If you had to ask my friends and co-workers to use one word to describe me, most of them would use the word “organized.”  It’s true, I am a very organized person and because this is something that I excel at and enjoy, it’s found its way into my work.  Lately I’ve spent a ton of time helping other teachers implement systems that will keep them organized.  I wanted to take a minute to share some of my favorite products for staying organized so that you can benefit from some of my over-the-top organization. All links are affiliates. Half-inch white labels – These might be one of my all time…

  • 5 Tips for Staying Organized

    I read an article the other day – well, I don’t know if you could call it an article, it was more like one of those click-bait-ey facebook links where the content is only as important as whatever it takes to get you to see all of the ads.  But that’s not the point. Anyway, it was titled “Habits of highly organized people.” As I read it I found myself saying “I do that” over and over, which I guess means I’m highly organized.  The habits included in that particular article were a little vague though, so I thought I would share some of my organizational habits with you –…