
  • Holiday Gift Guide: Preschoolers

    If there is one thing that I’ve become really good at, it’s recommending great gifts for little ones. This is the perfect time of year put my expertise to good use, and share my knowledge with you!  This guide is a list of things that any preschooler on your list (and their parents) will love.  You’ll notice that there are a few brands I’m in love with, these are brands that I know are high quality because I’ve used them in classrooms, and I’ve seen them live through the crazy things that little ones like to do to them. All of the links are Amazon affiliate links, but many of…

  • Must haves for the preschool classroom

    I’ve taught toddlers and preschoolers for 6 years, at three different schools, in 4 different classrooms.  Through each of these moves I’ve come up with a list of items that are must haves for the classroom.  Whether you teach preschool, elementary school, or even home school, the vast majority of items on this list will be helpful for your classroom.  Some of the items on my list may be things that you use every day, but I’m sure that there are a few items that will surprise you, or make you think.  If you know a teacher, any of these items are always appreciated, send some in with your child…

  • We all need to play

    This amazing quote has been on my radar since I found it on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago (have you noticed my obsession with Pinterest yet?!). I finally tracked down the original source, it is from U46 Early Learners Curriculum Blog. I teach preschool, so these words are not news to me, I experience them every day.  The understanding that young children need to move, try new things, be loud, explore new places, and use their entire bodies to learn things all play a role in my lesson plans. I would, however, love to print this out and send it home to parents at different times throughout the year.…

  • A new alphabet activity

    I’m not sure if you have ever used these, but I am in love with alphabet pasta! It is cheap, and super versatile. With our toddlers we would use it to explore textures, introducing it raw the first day so that they could feel the rough, bumpy, tiny little letters, and then cooking it for the second day to see how they reacted to the slimy, and sometimes sticky texture – it was mesmerizing. Now that we have older children we have spent a lot of time focusing on letter recognition, and this was an obvious choice for a number of different activities. We did a letter hunt (can you…

  • One of my favorite blogs

    I am always looking for new printables for the classroom, and you probably know how difficult it can be to find high quality artwork for free – or maybe I’m just a cheap graphics snob. One of my very favorite teaching blog is actually written by two moms who spend a lot of time with their preschool age (and younger) children. These two wonderful ladies have created some amazing themed preschool packs that I faithfully print, cut out, laminate, and use in my classroom ALL THE TIME! You have got to check out Over the Big Moon and their Pre-K Packs, here’s a photo of their autumn pack.

  • I’m a teacher – even during Christmas Break!

    Each year I am grateful for the weeklong break after Christmas, and as most teachers will tell you, it is nearly impossible to go for the entire week without working on school work in some way, shape, or form. This year I am taking full advantage of the brand new Cricut that my little sister got for Christmas and the two of us teachers have planned a full day of classroom crafts. Here is what I will be working on – I promise to post what I am able to finish! (all ideas are linked on my Pinterest Preschool Board)

  • Baking in the classroom

    I love to bake with my kids. It involves so many different learning experiences – sharing, waiting your turn, measuring ingredients, chemical reactions, temperature, vocabulary, and it is something that makes everyone smile. We are fortunate enough to have a fully equipped kitchen at our center, and we often bake things in the oven, but for truly special days I like to keep the excitement in the classroom. The last two weeks we have been baking up a storm to prepare for the holidays. One of our favorite recipes so far has been reindeer cookies. These are super easy to make – we used pre-packaged cookie dough (it is easy…

  • Counting candy canes

    Here’s a great activity for number recognition and counting – my kids were actually arguing over who would get to do this activity next – that’s a great teacher moment! Use a tray with seperate compartments (ours is a veggie tray left over from a class party) and place a different number in each compertment. I taped the numbers down so that they wouldn’t move, and so they would be removeable, therefore I can change them when my kids have these particular number down. Then give the children different objects to count into the numbered compartments – at halloween we used candy corn, today we used candy canes. The miniature…

  • Cute Cards!

    If you are anything like me, your classroom has probably become consumed with projects having to do with Christmas; gifts for parents, fun activities for the kiddos, cards, ornaments, decorations, you know the drill. Typically we go all out on our parents gifts – handmade gift, handmade wrapping paper, and a card to go with it all. I’m always looking for new card ideas, because I have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need to be. This year I found a super easy idea that the children love: Thumbprint reindeer Here is a picture of the ornament that I was inspired by: And here is one of…