
  • summer teacher wardrobe

    Preschool Teacher Wardrobe – Summer Edition

    *This post contains affiliate links It can be really hard to find those outfits that are the perfect balance of professional, comfortable, and meet all of the needs of a preschool teacher (getting messy, sitting on the floor, lots of movement – you know what I mean). This is especially true in the summer. Summer means even more time outside, higher temperatures, and often running to other activities at the end of your work day. Every program is different, and that will of course mean you may have restrictions related to things like shorts, sleeveless tops, and dresses – but hopefully the items that I’ve been loving will give you…

  • Friday Freebie – Teacher Resumes

    Happy Friday! Many of my teacher friends have started to think about where they want to be next year (not me, I’m happy and staying put!).  If you are also in the process of applying for new positions then I have a great resource for you. This Teacher Resume Word Bank has all kinds of great terms that are ideal for any teacher resume.  It’s from Red Apple Resumes, so go download your copy and take a minute to check out their other amazing resources.  Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Friday Freebie – Professional Development Plan

    Happy Friday! This week I’ve shared a ton of opportunities for professional development – webinars, publications, and really great conferences.  Today’s freebie will help you plan and track all of your professional development efforts. These Professional Development Plans are not only helpful, they’re also cute.  That’s important because your PD Plan should be something that you want to post and look at every day.  Go download yours and have a wonderful weekend!

  • Amazing Conferences for Early Childhood Educators

    I’ve mentioned before that I consider myself a professional development nerd.  There is just something about a room full of teachers learning new things that I can’t resist.  One of my favorite things to do is attend a great conference, and if you’ve followed this blog for a while you’ve certainly seen my posts from the NAEYC conference.  Right now is the perfect time to start researching upcoming conferences and planning for those that you’d like to attend.  Many local AEYC conferences happen in the spring, there are all kinds of specialty conferences throughout the summer, and the big one – NAEYC is in the fall.  If you start planning…

  • Easy Resources

    I’m always looking for an Early childhood resource on some topic or another – things to share with families, articles to help teachers that I know are dealing with tough stuff in the classroom, ideas for encouraging best practice, and strategies for managing behavior issues.  The first place that I always turn is NAEYC. If you aren’t familiar with NAEYC then you must be living under a rock – I’m joking, but the National Association for the Education of Young Children is a source I trust completely, which is why I look there first.  Here are some of my favorite publications from NAEYC: Position Statements: These documents help professionals understand…

  • Free Early Childhood Webinars

    One of my favorite things about the field of Early Childhood Education is that things are always changing.  This means that I am constantly learning something new about best practices, educational theories and techniques, and innovative strategies.  I am a professional development nerd, I love trainings, seminars, and conferences, and I regularly sit through webinars solely because I find the subject matter fascinating. I wanted to share one of my favorite professional development resources with all of you and I’m hoping that you will enjoy it as much as I do.  You’ve got to check out Early Childhood Investigations, the free webinars available on this site are written by experts…

  • Practicing Professionalism

    How many times have you heard “Oh, your job is so fun, you get to play with little kids all day!”  Yeah, and can you still manage to keep from rolling your eyes?  I’ve found that the more professionally I behave, the more that my job, and the challenges it presents, are taken seriously. I’ve always worked at lab schools (with ECE students from local colleges and universities), and I’ve often had students who don’t take my work seriously because I am young, and in some cases, younger than they are.  So over the years I’ve come up with some tried and true methods for being taken seriously, which has…

  • The best clothes for preschool teachers

    Teaching preschool is not an easy job.  While I absolutely love my students, they can drain me emotionally and physically, and they wreak havoc on my wardrobe!  Washable paint is not always washable, and more often than not, I really have no idea where that stain came from or what it is – and sometimes it’s better not to know. I’m really lucky because I’m allowed to wear jeans to work – we’re expected to be participating in activities with the children, which often means on the floor, or outside making messes, so it is expected that we will get dirty.  Thank goodness that this is understood, but this means…