teacher appreciation

  • Teacher Appreciation ideas

    Today is Teacher Appreciation day! This is the perfect time to let you favorite teacher know just how much they mean to you, but if you haven’t had time to shop (or craft) yet, I’ve got you covered.  I thought it would be the most helpful to share some of the gifts that I’ve received over the years – and absolutely loved! Here are some of my favorite things to receive as teacher gifts; Gift cards – whether you want to treat your teacher to an evening out or just a cup of coffee, gift cards are always appreciated because the recipient can use them for something that they were…

  • Teacher Appreciation SALE!

    Yep, you read that title right, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a sale in honor of Teacher Appreciation day.  This means that right now is the time to pick up what you need for the end of the school year, and start thinking forward to next too. My tradition on the blog is to share what’s on my wishlist before every sale – so you can see what I’m excited about purchasing and just maybe add a couple of things to your own wishlist too. Today is extra special because I’m linking up with Teaching in the Tongass to share wishlists from tons of different teacher bloggers!  Here’s what I’m…

  • Friday Freebie – Valentine Teacher Gift

    Happy Friday! I hope that you all survived your Valentine celebrations! Today’s freebie is perfect if your still looking for an easy, last minute gift for a favorite teacher: You can download these adorable tags from eighteen25 and simply put them with a bag of candy – perfect teacher gift!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and spend tons of time sharing the love with your favorite people!

  • Favorite Things: Teacher Edition

    If you’re a parent then somewhere on that shopping list of yours is probably a teacher or two to buy a holiday gift for.  Sometimes it’s easy to pick out a great gift for your child’s teacher, other times, it can be really hard.  Last year I started a new tradition, to help you out in the teacher gift department I share my favorite products to use in the classroom – along with a few of my personal favorite items too.  Here’s my list for this year! (Amazon links are affiliates) A great travel mug is part of my daily life! This year’s selection from Starbucks is ah-mazing and the…

  • When Educators believe in each other

    Have you seen the TED talk by the amazing Ms. Rita Pierson.  It is powerful.  She puts into words every single reason that most of us became teachers in the first place. This quote from her talk hits me to the core every single time that I read it; I fully believe that every child needs a person in their corner.  A person who tells them they’re worth it, they can be great, and do amazing things.  A self-fulfilling prophecy can be a powerful thing, when you tell someone that they are incredible enough times, they start to believe you. I will give that to any child in a heartbeat.…

  • Friday Freebie – Teacher Appreciation

    Happy Friday!  Teacher Appreciation week might be over, but it’s always a great time to tell a teacher thank you. Today’s freebie would make a great end of the year gift for your child’s teacher, or a great thank you for the other staff members in your building.  These cute coffee cup sleeves are printable, and will fit around a travel mug, or a paper cup from the coffee shop.  Download them from I Should Be Mopping the Floor!

  • 6 Great Teacher Bags

    I have this problem, I love bags (way too much…).  Over the years I’ve fallen in love with a number of bags that I’ve used to drag all of my stuff to school.  Since it’s Teacher Appreciation week, and my favorite gift would be a new school bag, I thought I’d share my favorites with you. Vera Bradley Tic Tac ToteThis bag was my original teacher tote. It’s huge and can fit all kinds of things, plus it’s structured, so when I set it down on the floor it keeps it’s shape.  Vera Bradley recently released a newer version, which has 6 interior pockets and a zip top. 31 Organizing…

  • Teacher Appreciation Sale

    Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Since this week is all about celebrating teachers, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a sale! I’ve got a tradition here on Preschool Ponderings, for every TPT Sale I share my personal wish list (what I’ll be buying during the sale), along with a couple of great resources from my store that you can pick up at a discounted price.   Today I’m linking up with Lisa at Pawsitively Teaching to connect you to even more amazing resources created by teachers for teachers.  So first, I’ll share the best seller from my TPT store, a resource from my store that you can snag for just $1, and…

  • A Pinterest Tip for Teachers and a HUGE Giveaway

      I think it is awesome when teachers support each other.  That is one thing that makes our jobs so much easier! For Teacher Appreciation Week I’ve teamed up with some amazing teachers to share tips that work in our classrooms, along with incredible prizes for very deserving teachers – YOU! Check out my tips, and make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the prizes and enter to win!  I use Pinterest all the time, and the vast majority of ideas that I pin are for school.  When I first started using Pinterest for school (a few years ago!) I had one board for preschool…

  • Appreciation for Early Childhood Teachers

    Teachers who work with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers don’t often get shown a lot of appreciation.  I can speak from experience when I say that the job they do is not easy.  The hours are long, the work is physical, and extremely emotional, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Early Childhood teachers are selfless and energetic, and they are passionate about teaching the youngest children.  The Week of the Young Child is a great opportunity to recognize and appreciate these teachers. A couple of years ago I pinned a quote to my Preschool Quotes Pinboard, It’s been repinned nearly 100 times.  The original artwork was from Zulily and I haven’t…