
  • Earning Extra Money With Fetch

    In case you couldn’t tell from yesterday’s post, I’m feeling the December pinch. There never seems to be enough money for the holidays, but I’ve got a secret weapon – I’ve been earning money with Fetch. The Fetch app is a free download that makes earning shopping rewards SO EASY. I’ve tried so many of the rewards apps and sites that are out there, and I usually don’t stick with them because they require so many extra steps. I either have to start shopping through their site or I have to pick the rewards I want to earn before I start shopping. I can’t keep up with all of that!…

  • Preschool Gift Guide 2022

    What to buy a Preschooler for Christmas in 2022

    Preschool is when gift giving really starts to feel like a challenge – preschoolers have opinions, lots of them, and they aren’t afraid to tell you what they think of your gift! This is also when children’s preferences become really strong, they know what characters and activities they like, they know which sweater is too itchy, and how many of a specific toy they already have. So what do you get a preschooler for Christmas??? Picking out a gift for a preschooler often requires knowing what they like, which is hard because this changes daily. There are some ideas that are universal though! That’s what I have for you today…

  • Toddler Gift guide 2022

    Toddler Gift Guide

    Toddlers have always been my favorite age group – there are so many wonderful things about this age, BUT they’re so hard to shop for. Let’s be honest, most toddlers would much rather play with the box the gift is wrapped in! Here are some ideas that just might be winners for the toddler on your list this year. Just a reminder, these are affiliate links so I may receive a percentage of the sale, but I really do love and endorse these products. I still find this rainmaker fascinating as an adult, so it makes perfect sense to me that toddlers love it too. The noise is soothing, but…

  • stress relief for teachers during the holidays

    Stress Relief for Teachers During the Holidays

    Trying to teach during the holidays can be a little overwhelming – there’s so much to cover, squeeze in, and manage! I’m here with some ideas that’ll provide a little stress relief for teachers during the holiday season. These are some of the strategies that I’ve leaned into in order to make this time of year more joyful, because truly, that’s what it’s all about! 1. Plan ahead! You know that I’m a planner, but taking the time to get all of your plans in place does make life run more smoothly. When I say plan ahead, I do mean think everything through – what do you want to make…

  • helping children manage holiday stress

    Helping Children Manage Holiday Stress

    The holidays are stressful for everyone – there are so many things to do and remember! Children feel all of this, while also not having the best understanding of why we adults are rushing around and have a little less patience for them. It can be confusing and overwhelming, and it often leads to tantrums and meltdowns as they attempt to process changes to their schedules and routines – which only makes the adults around them even more stressed! The classroom isn’t exempt from all of these feelings and stressors, but there are some ways that teachers can help children manage holiday stress, while still making sure the season is…

  • Spring Break!

    I had to laugh when I was typing that title, I haven’t had a spring break since I was in college.  But this year I’m giving myself one! I’m going to focus on some much needed self-care, I’m talking yoga, facial masks, and lots of extra sleep.  Things will be a little quiet around here this week, but I’ll be back next week and I have a ton of great things planned!

  • Thanks for stopping!

    It occurred to me the other day that I’ve been posting nearly every day since 2014, but is has been just about that long since I’ve done any kind of introduction, so here’s a little bit about me: I never wanted to be a teacher. Seriously, I refused to go into education and yet I ended up here anyway so clearly it was meant to be.  My degree Human Development and Family Studies and my first job out of College was teaching preschool.  I have a total of 15 years in the Early Childhood field, including positions teaching toddlers, preschoolers, before and after school, and doing business administration for a…

  • Spring Break!

    Hey everyone! I don’t get a spring break at my job, but for this one week I’m going to give my blog a bit of a Spring Break.  I’ll still have a Friday Freebie post on Friday, but other than that it will be quiet here this week. Don’t worry though, I have a ton of fun posts planned for next week, so make sure to check in for those!

  • Dallas Blogger Meet Up

    Oh. My. Goodness. I am still pinching myself, while I was in Dallas I had the most incredible opportunity. I got to have dinner with blogging superstars! It was so nice to meet all of these wonderful ladies, I’ve followed many of them for years, and they were so wonderfully generous to share their great tips and ideas with this blogging newbie. I have to say a huge thank you to Vanessa from Pre-K Pages for organizing the meet-up, Holly and Rachel from Kids Activities Blog for sponsoring the meet-up, and my awesome friend Jamie from Play to Learn Preschool for including me! I also got to meet:  Debbie from…