end of the year

  • Preschool Graduation Decorations

    I’ve learned that when it comes to decorations for preschool graduation, less is more.  This is a problem for me because I LOVE to decorate, but ultimately, too many decorations cause more stress that necessary because they take time to put up, time that I just don’t have on graduation day. I keep my decorations minimal by reminding myself that what parents really want is to see their children.  This helps me focus and prioritize when it is time to decorate.  I try to make sure that the ceremony space, where the children will receive their diplomas looks nice, but not busy. Parents want photos of their children, not photos…

  • Everything you need to host a Preschool Graduation

    Yup, it’s that time of the year, time to start planning your preschool graduation ceremony.  Do you do the same thing every year? I like to switch it up and plan something new and special every year, but of course, that means I have to plan something new and special every year! So over the last few years I’ve put together a template of sorts that makes things just a little easier. I include the same elements; Introduce the students Read a letter to the graduates Read an inspirational story Present class awards Handout diplomas and then each year I just swap in a new letter to the graduates, a…

  • End of the Year Memories

    Hopefully you still have a couple of weeks before you have to think about preschool graduation (can it really be that time of year already?!) but I wanted to share one of my favorite activities for the end of the school year because it takes a little time to complete. Last year I created a Preschool Memory book for my students to record their favorite things about preschool, and some all about me information.  These pages become a great way to show off all of the skills that they had learned throughout the year. I added their portfolios and a letter from me, then bound it all. It was a…

  • Time to say goodbye

    In a couple of weeks my pre-k students will start kindergarten.  We had a graduation ceremony in May because some of my students stay for the summer, while others do not, but now that it’s time for all of them to go, I really want to do something to send them off. I’m planning a pizza party, because really, what 5 year old wouldn’t want a pizza party.  Other than that, I didn’t really have a lot of ideas, so I turned to Pinterest, which of course, was full of inspiration.  Our kindergarten send-off isn’t for a couple more weeks, but here are a few of the things that I’m…

  • Time flies!

    I just realized that I never posted pictures from our preschool graduation ceremony, how did I forget! I figure it’s better late than never, right?! So here are the photos that I can show you (the ones without any of my kiddos in them). You may have seen some of these on Instagram, so I apologize for any repeats, but the decorations turned out so cute that I had to share! The cute red and blue papers that I used are from Collaboration Cuties, the adorable headbands are from Brooke Beynon (her free pack has one for each grade level!), and the idea for the crepe paper banner is from…

  • Friday Freebies!

    Yay for Friday! This is kind of a big one for me (more about that on Monday), so i’m going to go ahead and celebrate the end of the year with all of you, even though it’s not really the end of my year. This pack was too cute not to share, and I’m amazed that it’s free! This is an End of the Year Label Pack from the Inspired Owl’s Corner. It has treat bag labels for two different kinds of bags, printable bookmarks, Hershey bar labels, and note cards so that you can write each of your students a farewell note.  Really, everything that you need to put…

  • Graduation!

    Our preschool graduation ceremony is tomorrow, and I think we are finally ready (well, except for the decorating part, but that will happen in the morning).  I’m a little worried that this one will be emotional for me, I’ve had most of these kiddos since they were two years old, and I’ve known almost all of them since they were infants.  This group of parents is pretty special to me too, they believed in me and encouraged me throughout the process of opening my own school. I wanted to make sure that the entire graduation was really special, so I created a few products to make things a little easier…

  • Friday Freebies

    Yay for Friday! This is a big yay because it’s a three day weekend! If your students are anything like mine, the weather and promise of summer are making them a little antsy (again, yay for a three day weekend).  Many of my teacher friends get through this chaos by reminding themselves that there are only a couple of weeks left until summer break, they can make it through a couple more weeks.  That doesn’t work for me, I work at a year round child care center, I have my kiddos all summer long. I try to make sure that the summer is packed full of fun stuff and special…

  • Preparing for Preschool Graduation

    It’s that time of the year, we have less than three weeks until our preschool graduation ceremony.  I’ve been trying to get some special projects done, and we’re getting close. One thing that I’m really excited about this year are the memory books that my students have been working on.  Not only are these going to be amazing keepsakes, but they are also helping to prepare them for the kind of work that they will do once they get to kindergarten. Right now my kiddos are answering the questions with drawings and words to the best of their abilities. When they finish I will add portfolio pages that I’ve been…